Khator Receives Recognition from Student Affairs Administrators

HOUSTON, May 10 , 2013–University of Houston President Renu Khator has been honored by the nation’s association of student affairs administrators. She is the recipient of the 2013 President’s Award for Region III presented by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA). Renu Khator

The President’s Award is a special recognition bestowed upon a college or university leader who has advanced the quality of student life on a campus by supporting student affairs staff and programs. Recipients have demonstrated active attempts to involve students and student life staff in governing the institution and contributions to the profession that have an impact beyond an individual campus. This award has been presented only three times before Khator’s recognition. The past recipients are Donna Shalala of the University of Miami (2010), James Wagner of Emory University (2011) and Eric Barron, Florida State University (2012). 

Founded in 1919, NASPA comprises more than 13,000 members in all 50 states, 29 countries and eight U.S. Territories. NASPA members serve a variety of functions and roles, including the vice president and dean for student life, as well as professionals working within housing and residence life, student unions, student activities, counseling, career development, orientation, enrollment management, racial and ethnic minority support services, and retention and assessment. 

Region III, which includes Texas, covers 11 states and several international areas.

Khator and other winners will be formally recognized during the NASPA Region III Summer Symposium in Austin next month.  

For more information about NASPA, go to

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